Online Card Games for the Office

If your office doesn’t have a game room, consider an online card game for the workplace. Scattergories, Codenames, and War of the Wizards are just a few of the options available. You can also play “the dream team,” in which the players must achieve specific goals. The office can even join in on the fun by making up imaginary scenarios that require the cooperation of all employees. These games are great fun for both the workers and the managers.


The game of Scattergories is a fun party game that can be played with two or more players. Unlike traditional card games, Scattergories doesn’t require any cards or moving pieces. Instead, you and your players roll a 20-sided die to determine which letter is on their list. Then, they make a list of words starting with that letter. The person with the most points at the end of the game wins. To play Scattergories, players keep a piece of paper next to their desk and roll the die.


If you want to play a fun card game in the office but don’t want to deal with the time factor, consider using Codenames for online card games. This game is similar to the board game Codenames, and requires two to eight players. Teams work together to solve mysteries. Team members communicate by passing clues and the goal is to identify a spy’s identity. They also get to see the secret agent’s cards and can guide their teammates to those cards.

War of the Wizards

For a highly immersive team-bonding activity, check out War of the Wizards online card games. This 90-minute hosted game features role-playing elements such as storytelling, puzzle-solving, and world-building. Players work together to collect magic items, solve puzzles, and fight other wizards. The aim is to reach a peaceful conclusion to end the game. It is a perfect choice for a remote team or a group of people at any skill level.

Coworker Feud

The purpose of Coworker Feud is to boost morale by fostering empathy and anticipating your colleagues’ thoughts. The game can betboo played in person or through remote collaboration, and you can use premade questions to get a feel for your team members’ reactions. For a more fun and creative teambuilding activity, try creating your own questions and then brainstorm answers together. You can also use the questions to practice teamwork and decision-making.


UNO! is an American shedding card game played with a specially printed deck of cards. It belongs to the crazy eights family of card games, and is similar to the European classic mau-mau. Although its rules are simple and quick to learn, it is still a great way to pass the time in a family gathering. Here are some fun facts about the game. Let’s learn about its history and how to play it.